Power Pages: Missing Sign-In and Profile Links from Header

Problem Statement

When you create a Power Pages site in your Power Platform environment, sometimes you observe that there is no option to login to the portal. And if you are already logged in to the portal through a single sign-on, especially when your site is PRIVATE, then you don’t find any option to navigate to the profile page.

Root Cause

This is because Power Pages has introduced a few new Site Settings related to Profile named Header/ShowAllProfileNavigationLinks and Profile/Enabled, that decide whether to show the links created under Profile Navigation links or not.

  • Profile/Enabled: It decides whether to display Sign-in and Profile links on the Header
  • Header/ShowAllProfileNavigationLinks: It decides whether to display other links created under the Profile Navigation web link set.

And in the Header web template, you will find the following liquid code that hide/show Sign-in and Profile links based on site settings values.

 {% assign profile_enabled = settings['Profile/Enabled'] | boolean |          default: true %}
{% if profile_enabled %}
// code to display Sign In option if user is not logged in
// code to display logged-in user name and log-out, if user is logged in

{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% assign show_profile_nav = settings['Header/ShowAllProfileNavigationLinks'] | boolean | default: true %}
{% if show_profile_nav %}
// code to display links created under Profile Navigation web link set
{% endif %}

{% else %}


To solve this problem, simply change the above-mentioned site settings value to True. then sync your portal configuration from Design Studio and refresh the site URL in the browser.

When the Site Setting Profile/Enabled value is set to True, it enables both the Sign-in and Profile links.

When the Site Setting Header/ShowAllProfileNavigationLinks value is set to True, other links are also enabled that are created under the Profile Navigation web link set.

I hope you find this post useful. Don’t forget to share your feedback. Cheers!

Published by arpitpowerguide

My name is Arpit Shrivastava, who is a Microsoft MVP in the Business Applications category. I am a Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform enthusiast person who is having a passion for researching and learning new things and acquiring immense knowledge. I am providing consistent help, support, and sharing my knowledge through various Social Media Channels along with my Personal Blog, Microsoft Community, conducting online training and attending various 365 Saturday Events worldwide and sharing the best Solutions to the readers helping them achieve their goals and objectives in Customer Relationship Space.

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